This kid-friendly cookie and party activity is easier to make than you think! Keep reading for these Easy DIY Coloring Book Cookies. ***Before we start – have you signed up for my email newsletters? You’ll get new recipes, cooking tips, menu suggestions, kitchen deals – and more! Click here to signup.*** Firstly, I want to thank you all for the overwhelming show of support and excitement over my announcement last week. If you missed it, you've got to check it out here. Anyhow. I know Purim is next week, and I already shared a ton of great ideas with you guys, but I have a show-stopper of a Purim idea to share with you today - make it for this purim, or tuck the idea away for … [Read more...]
Search Results for: purim
65 Recipes and Ideas for Shalach Manot
Looking for ideas for shalach manot? I've got sixty five of them for you! ***Before we start – have you signed up for my email newsletters? You’ll get new recipes, cooking tips, menu suggestions, kitchen deals – and more! Click here to signup.*** Purim is right around the corner, and everyone is wondering the same thing: what should I make for shalach manos? Well folks, you know me. I love to help you out. And with about 300 recipes here on Overtime Cook, there are loads of them that would make an excellent shalach manos. So first I gathered together some categories that you might find helpful, but scroll past them for more specific ideas. I've never been super into cutesy … [Read more...]
Fluffernutter Hamantaschen
The classic purim cookie gets a fun and flavor-packed update with these Fluffernutter Hamantaschen! ***Before we start – have you signed up for my email newsletters? You’ll get new recipes, cooking tips, menu suggestions, kitchen deals – and more! Click here to signup.*** Can you feel it in the air? Purim is coming up sooner than you think. That means that this blog is about to be filled with all kinds of exciting purim-y treats, starting with these insanely good Fluffernutter Hamantaschen. Let's talk about Hamantaschen flavors for a minute or two. Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably noticed that the internet explodes right around this time of year with an … [Read more...]
Top Ten Recipes of 2014
Wow. Seriously, How else can I describe the last year? I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I never imagined I would stick to the whole blogging thing. I thought it would be another one of my two-week hobbies, destined to go the way of all the fads before it. But you guys showed up, so I stuck around, and I'm so grateful for that. I see the numbers...well over 100,000 different people are visiting this blog every month. I can see on my stat tracker how page views in 2014 were more than double those in 2013. I see photos that you guys submit, I interact with you on social media, but it still boggles my mind when I am shopping in the grocery store and a … [Read more...]
Peanut Butter Caramel Truffles
Peanut Butter Caramel Truffles are a little taste of heaven! Every now and then, I make something that's so delightful, words fail to describe it. These truffles are a perfect example. I originally made these truffles for a Tzedaka (charity) party. I probably dreamed up this crazy combination at the height of a chocolate craving, but whatever made me do it, they were a smashing success. Just as the party was starting, before much food was even touched, these truffles were gone. That's right, completely gone. All the poor souls who hadn't gotten there fast enough to try one were pretty sad. Needless to day, I needed to share this recipe with you folks. They're a little time consuming … [Read more...]
Red Wine Chocolate Cupcakes with Red Wine Glaze
The classic pairing of red wine and chocolate combine to form these decadent Red Wine Chocolate Cupcakes. I feel like I should start with a warning here. This blog is going to get a little dessert heavy in the coming weeks as we lead up to Purim. Too late, you say? I know, I know. I've been posting a lot of purim goodies lately, and I've got more of them up my sleeve! Starting today, with these crazy awesome cupcakes. We all know that drinking on purim is a tradition - wait, a mitzvah - so that makes these cupcakes downright righteous. If you're making these for kids, opt for a non-alcoholic glaze (like this insanely delightful chocolate glaze). Don't worry about the alcohol in the … [Read more...]
Ultimate Hamantaschen Recipe Roundup
Get ready for purim with my ultimate Hamantaschen Recipe Roundup! I may have mentioned it once or twice or ten times but the Jewish holiday of Purim is coming. And you know what that means! Hamentaschen! Lots and lots of Hamantaschen! Sweet Hamentaschen, savory hamantaschen. Any kind, really. Well, because I love you guys, I gathered the best of the hamantaschen recipes from around the internet into one convenient list. So click on over to these delicious looking recipes, then come back and tell me what you're going to make! Traditional Hamantaschen: Perfect Hamantaschen Guide Traditional Hamantaschen Savory Hamantaschen: Savory Deli Hamantaschen Meat Pie … [Read more...]
Pecan Pie Hamantashen
Pecan Pie Hamantashen are a perfectly delicious twist on the traditional favorite. Don't hate me people, but we're kinda going into Purim mode here. I know. I know. I don't want to face it either. Mostly because Passover is a month after Purim, and I really don't want to face that. But what can you do? It's all around us! Seriously, the purim mania seems to start earlier and earlier every year! I've been busy lately creating some amazing recipes for my column in Ami magazine, but today, I am sharing one of my favorites from last year's column: Pecan Pie Hamantashen! If you're one of those people who appreciates tradition, but doesn't actually love hamantaschen, this recipe is for … [Read more...]
Grilled Chicken and Portobello Wraps with Garlic Mayo
Grilled Chicken and Portobello Wraps with Garlic Mayo are a healthy supper that's easy to make and delicious to eat! So you might have guessed, based on the (in)frequency of posts lately that I've been crazy busy. Nothing new for me, you say? Well sadly, I've found myself the kind of busy where I am cooking less frequently than usual. And that means...eating or ordering out. Not the best option when you're dieting, but one of the more diet friendly options you can usually find is a grilled chicken wrap. Problem is, no matter how healthy they say it is, you just know there's gonna be hidden calories all over the place, right? Second problem, it's painful to pay a restaurant to … [Read more...]
Chicken in Mushroom Sauce
I've been saving this recipe for ages. Why, you ask? Well, I don't really know. It's one of my favorite recipes to make, it's totally versatile, it's a meal in a pot, it's gluten free and I need to go on? I was going to post this forever-ago, then I got side tracked with stuff like purim and I kinda forgot about this recipe. Then I cooked it for supper tonight (it's simmering on my stove right now and it smells amazing and I was all oh. I never posted this recipe. And then I realized how passover friendly this recipe is, and I knew it was going to have to get featured. Regarding passover (who gets all stressed out when I start discussing Passover? Just me?), this recipe's … [Read more...]