I've been waiting for this day for so long....when I could finally reveal to you something major that I've been working on. And at long last, that day has arrived....so, here goes. Are you ready for this? I know I am! The big announcement is.....I'm working on cookbook number 2! Whew. I'm so glad that isn't a secret anymore. I've been holding that one in for a while. Ready for some details? I've been getting this request for a loooooong time now...."when are you coming out with a real food cookbook?" And the answer, I can finally say, is November 2017. Yep, just in time for this coming chanukah! While I couldn't tell you guys until now, I've actually been working on this … [Read more...]
A Big Announcement!
Guys, I have a confession. I've got a big secret that I've been keeping from you all. I can't keep it to myself anymore, so I'm finally going to spill the beans! ...a cookbook!! Yes!! You read that correctly - I'm writing a cookbook. Finally, right? I've been getting requests for a cookbook for years (literally) and I'm so excited to finally be doing this! Want some details? Ok, here goes. When: My cookbook is going to be published by ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications and it's scheduled for release at the end of this summer - just in time for your cooking marathon before the Jewish holidays in September. What: A book of treats! Baked goods, desserts and treats for every occasion. … [Read more...]