It's funny how certain things work out at times. Take writing for example. Honestly, it's always come very easily to me. My 12th grade English teacher once commented that I'm lucky she enjoys reading my essays so much, or she would probably fail me for turning them all in two weeks late. When I started this blog, I put a lot of thought into the food and recipes (obviously!) and of course, as you know, I thought a lot about the photography. But the writing? It was always an afterthought, just something I did in the last few minutes of my posting. And I guess it worked. Because suddenly in the last few weeks I've gotten a ton of comments from readers, both of my magazine column and my blog, … [Read more...]
Every now and then, I make a dessert recipe which is an enormous success, and half of me winds up regretting it. Why, you might ask, would I regret an amazingly successful dessert? The answer, my friends, is simple. I enjoy being creative with my baking. I enjoy playing around, adapting recipes, trying new things, etc. And for the most part, people around me are happy with that. I say for the most part, because when I make one of these disastrously successful desserts, I spend weeks, and, depending on just how successful it was, even months, hearing people respond to my delightful treats with comments such as "but what about your Snickerdoodles?" Or "these cookies are delicious, but you … [Read more...]