White Chocolate Pomegranate Tarts are a dainty little dessert with a burst of fresh flavor! So, let's take a little poll here. Who's sick of me talking about Rosh Hashanah recipes? I know. I know. First there was the list of 15 desserts that you can make ahead and freeze for the holidays. Then I shared a new chicken dish that's got both apple and honey in it (I know, it's a perfect chicken recipe for Rosh Hashanah!) followed by an amazing new apple biscotti recipe. Well I aint' done yet, so stay with me folks. Today I'm moving away from the apples for a bit, and instead I'm sharing a pomegranate recipe. I love the combination of white chocolate and pomegranate, and these tarts … [Read more...]
Golden Crunch Pudding Cookies
I am sitting here trying to think of something to say about these cookies, but I can't think of anything other than "Sandy." No, these cookies aren't sandy thankyouverymuch but there's this monster hurricane AKA Frankenstorm heading right towards the east coast. Her name is Sandy. And I have to say, if we are gonna get hit by a monster storm that'll turn our lives upside down for a bit, I feel like she should have had a more dramatic name. Hortensia, for example. But either way, Sandy is headed here, and my prep involves charging my new iPhone (oh, did I forget to tell you guys that I finally got my iPhone 5? Yeah. It's awesome.), charging my new lap top, charging my camera batteries, my … [Read more...]
Reverse Chocolate Chip Cookies
Anyone reading this who's been a reader for any length of time will know that I love to bake, and more specifically, to experiment and have fun with all kinds of fun recipes. From recent recipes like S'mores Cheesecake and Zebra Bundt Cake, to older but still fun recipes like Pretzel Coated Chocolate Cookies and Cream Cheese Swirled Chocolate Fudge Cake, I try to share fun and unique recipes with you folks. But sometimes I like to share some more basic recipes. Things like Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies and Blueberry Muffins may not be unique or different, but I definitely think they are recipes worth sharing. Today's recipe is more along the lines of the basic, staple type recipes. It's not … [Read more...]