I know you’re all probably busy in the kitchen, getting together your last minute dishes for Rosh Hashanah, but I hope you have a couple of minutes (seconds?) to read my new year’s greeting to you. 🙂
It’s been an amazing year here on my little corner of the internet – and I owe it all to you – my lovely readers. I feel like I have tens out thousands of friends (whom I haven’t met yet;), all over the world, and that makes me the luckiest girl in the world. Thanks for reading, and stick with me – because this coming year is gonna be even better!
Wishing all of you a shana tova, a kesivah v’chasima tova, and a happy and sweet year full of the most amazing (and delicious!) things!
thank you Miriam for sharing…a happy & healthy new year to you and yours, as well.
Miriam – Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful recipes, advice and tips. You are so generous with your time and your willingness to be available is truly appreciated. Have a happy and healthy new year, and all the best to you and your family.
thank you for all the great recipes.. the apple mandle bread is soooooo delsih !!!…. came out wonderful… I added ch. chips to it….. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Same to you Miriam. I’m glad I found your site. The first recipe I tried was the roasted pepper spread/dip. It was delicious, healthy, and I loved the fact you mentioned it would be good for Rosh Hashana. Wow, a great recipe and she happens to be Jewish. I don’t have many Jewish friends so it’s a nice to feel connected. I made my challah round today for the first time and it was easy!