I think that every time I post a soup recipe, I precede it with a long introduction about my love of soups. Are you tired of the introduction yet? Because if not, I can totally talk about it again. Or I can steer you to the other soup recipes on this blog. And in place of an introduction, I can go on a little rant about the New iPod. Don't get me wrong. I'm typing this on my iPhone, and really love all things apple. But! Here's what I don't get- why the lines outside electronics retailers on Release Day? Let's say you have the 500+ bucks to drop on a new iPad, and have been waiting excitedly for the new release. Would it kill you to wait until the next day, or even a week? Or sell your … [Read more...]
Broccoli Kugel Muffins
I recently posed the question on twitter: "how does one describe broccoli kugel to non-Kosher eating folks?" For someone like me, who grew up eating kosher, Jewish style foods, kugel is a no-brainer. But when you stop and think about it, try to determine how one can define kugel, it gets infinitely complicated. Is it a side dish? Maybe. Is it savory? Occasionally. A sweet dish? Can be. Something eaten on Shabbos (sabbath)? Often times. Is there one blanket definition of kugel? Sadly not. So while my Jewish readers will probably know exactly what a broccoli kugel is, it may be perplexing to my non-Jewish readers. What exactly is a broccoli kugel, you may be asking yourself. Well, … [Read more...]