If you enjoyed the first two cookbooks in the Made Easy cookbook series, Passover Made Easy and Starters and Sides Made Easy, you're in for a real treat today because I am reviewing the latest book in the series: Kids Cooking Made Easy! Kids have been increasingly taking over the kitchen in recent years, and with amazing success (as evidenced by the wild success of MasterChef Junior). And now the hottest series in Kosher cooking has a brand new book geared at the younger set - just in time for Chanukah gifts for the wannabe young chef in your life! Want to win a copy? Scroll past the recipe for a giveaway! At a first glance: As with the previous books in the series, authors Leah … [Read more...]
S’mores Truffles
S'mores Truffles are a no-bake way to enjoy a classic treat! So tonight's post was going to be onion rings. Those of you who follow me on Facebook know that I was seriously craving them this afternoon. Admittedly, I frequently crave onion rings. French fries are good, but onion rings? Totally blissful. But then I made a very mature decision. Instead of making onion rings, I went to the gym. I know, I know, I hardly recognize myself. Exercise over onion rings. I feel so virtuous about this I practically desserve ice cream. Moving along though. Obviously I don't have onion rings to share with you tonight. Don't worry, I didn't give up on them. I will be making onion rings … [Read more...]
Rice Krispy Treat Bark
Today's post is really good timing. And no, I don't mean that this is a fabulous last minute Purim treat if you're still stuck on what to make for your Mishloach Manot (purim basket). Although it totally is a fabulous purim treat...etc. The reason this post is very timely is that there was in an interesting discussion on Facebook recently regarding recipe sources and credits and things. And the question came up if there's a possibility of complete coincidences in recipes. The answer? Yes. How do I know? Because of this recipe. Before I explain, let me say that recipe attribution is a very important issue, and one I feel very passionate about. But sometimes, two people might just have … [Read more...]
Party Pictures
I know what you've been thinking. "She keeps talking about her party, and promising to show us her pictures, but she doesn't follow through! Why, I bet she didn't even make a party! Yeah right. I flatter myself thinking anyone was desperately waiting for these pictures. And I almost didn't show them off because they are seriously awful pictures. Here's what happened. The day of the party was crazy rushed, and I didn't have a second to take a picture until the guests were already starting to arrive. My mother was completely mortified because I made her stand guard and make sure nobody took anything while I finished putting on my makeup and getting my camera ready. So as you can imagine, I … [Read more...]
Homemade Free-Form Lollipops and a review of Sprinkle Bakes
I can't tell you how excited I am to have been given the opportunity to review the Sprinkle Bakes cookbook, by Heather Baird. I'll admit right of the bat that I'm a tad biased. Not because of the review copy I was sent, but because I am a huge fan of Heather's blog. The first recipe I ever saw of here's was this Flaming Strawberry Cupcake. I was so taken aback by it's beauty and drama, that I was rendered speechless for a couple of minutes! I've been a fan of the blog since, and am thrilled to own the cookbook. At First Glance: The book starts with the simple and moves on to the more elaborate. Before it starts with the recipes, there is an explanation of various tools and techniques … [Read more...]
Homemade Milk Chocolate Fudge
My fudge story starts about two summers ago, when my mother took me and my siblings to Hershey Park. At some point, we went into one of the (seemingly millions of) little shops that line the entire park, begging the tourists, or perhaps quietly enticing them to spend more money they have on pretty much every conceivable gimmick with some animated-looking Hershey's candy splashed all over it. Don't get me wrong. I love souvenirs, so I'm not complaining. I willingly pranced into every store I could. Who needs roller coasters when you have mini slinkies decorated with happy looking chocolate bars? But I digress. At some point we walked into a little shop, and by the smell of things, it was … [Read more...]
Guest Post: Homemade Chocolate Caramels
Let's start with some super exciting news: My big sister is engaged! She got engaged this past Thursday night, and we are all super excited for her. :) There's an engagement party next Sunday, so I plan to spend the week making all kinds of fancy treats for it. As you can imagine, my blogging time will be very limited, so my friend Rachel Sicherman agreed to step in and write an awesome post for you guys to enjoy while I am knee deep in Royal Icing and Buttercream Frosting. Rachel is not only the savviest shopper I have ever met (and she writes excellent shopping tips for the ordinary folks among us on her blog) but she is also the only person I know other than myself who finds … [Read more...]