You know what the problem is with typing up blog posts when you are rushed and tired? You forget some totally important things. For example, I was exhausted when I finished up my review of Herbivoracious. So exhausted, in fact, that I forgot to post the whole big teaser I had planned. What I meant to write was that you should note the recipe closely because I have another awesome recipe coming up that is based on that one. Here's how it happened. Those savory quinoa cakes were delicious right out of the frying pan, but once they were cool they needed a little something. I dipped them in some tomato sauce, then the flash of brilliance struck. Pizza. On my quinoa cakes. You might think … [Read more...]
Quinoa Cakes and a review of Herbivoracious
When I was given the opportunity to review Herbivoracious, by Michael Natkin, I knew it would be perfect for the nine days. Remember how I said I can't eat meat all week? Well what better time to review a vegetarian cookbook? None, I say. I loved these quinoa cakes, and enjoyed this cookbook! At first glance: There is such a wide variety of recipes in here, you wouldn't imagine that this book is vegetarian. The pictures are beautiful and eye-catching, and best of all, inviting. Some features I liked: You would think that there wouldn't be a wide variety of sections in a vegetarian cookbook (no meat, poultry and fish sections) but the cookbook was very cleverly organized. Main course … [Read more...]
Black Bean, Corn and Mango Quinoa Salad
Have you ever known that you had to do something, but you kept putting it off because you assumed it would be unpleasant? Then you finally bite the bullet and the task you were dreading turns out to be no big deal at all, or even, at best, a positive experience? For example, last week at work, a purchase order landed on my desk. I was super busy at the time. I glanced at it briefly and recognized it as coming from a rather problematic account of mine. I decided to get other stuff done meanwhile, and deal with the problem order when I had a few minutes. It sat on my desk over the weekend, and finally I got to it. I completed the order and sent a confirmation of it to my contact there, Ryan. … [Read more...]
Kasha with Onions and Mushrooms…and a Cookbook Review
Often when I read cookbooks, I make mental notes such as "I'll make this when I have lots of spare time" or "I'll make this when I have guests and don't want to serve something too dietetic." Rarely do I read cookbooks thinking "I must make this!" and "Wow I really want to try that!" Those of you that have been reading this blog for a while know this already, but for those who don't, let me explain how I cook: super fattening and over-indulgent desserts which I don't touch because I am perpetually on a diet and then I make relatively healthy real food, which is what I eat because I am perpetually on a diet. Pay attention. Back to cookbooks, here's why that was important to know: I finally … [Read more...]