I don't know about all of you, but after nearly a month of holidays and delicious food, I am *so* ready for some healthy eating! My best diet tip is to fill up on lots of delicious veggies - it makes you totally not miss the fattening and unhealthy stuff! I figured some of you could probably use some great veggie ideas, right? Well, here are my top 10 favorite vegetable ideas! Click around, enjoy, and stay healthy! Spicy Baked Zucchini Sticks: These spicy baked zucchini sticks are the among the most popular recipes on my blog (second only to my Healthy Pumpkin Pancakes) and for a very good reason. Sure, these zucchini sticks are delicious. And yeah, they're easy to make. And of … [Read more...]
Apple and Cabbage Rice
Can we talk about how apples are starting to show up in grocery stores again? I don't think anyone here is more excited about it than I am. I know I have mentioned this before, but I really love apples. I've got some sweet apple recipes on this blog, but did you know apples make a fabulous savory ingredient too? This rice is totally going to prove that. It's my new favorite. Speaking of favorite recipes, this one is totally easy. And simple. It's perfect for Rosh Hashanah next week, or really for any time you want a great side dish. Who's up for a great serving suggestion? This rice would be perfect stuffed into (and under) a whole chicken and roasted. Or just served alongside some chicken. … [Read more...]
Italian Grilled Zucchini
Discover the most flavorful way to grill your zucchini this summer. Read on! I know. I know. Grilled zucchini. Yawn. Next. Right? Well that's what I thought. I never saw myself as the type of blogger who would post a recipe as simple as grilled zucchini. But that changed one day when I was at the takeout counter of my local grocery store buying supper. (Yes, "even" I buy supper sometimes. What did you think?!) I was looking for a vegetable to choose, and my eyes stopped at the grilled zucchini. It looked fine. Good even. I was about to order it, but then I stopped and realized that I just couldn't bring myself to pay someone else to grill my zucchini. Plus, mine is just so good. … [Read more...]
Broccoli and Quinoa Salad with Asian Vinaigrette
So I know that we've discussed the crazy sources of my recipes a few times before, but we should probably discuss it again today. The idea for this recipe struck late one night. And by late, I don't mean my usual 1-am-still-baking-cookies late. I mean almost asleep kind of late. And for those of you who know me...that's late! So I opened up one eye, opened up the notes app on my iphone, and typed "quinoa + broccoli salad." And it's been in the back of my brain ever since. At first, I was going to go with a traditional broccoli salad type dressing, but with added quinoa. Then I decided to take the flavors in a different direction. I settled on an asian-inspired dressing, and I am thrilled … [Read more...]
Roasted Jalapeno Dip
It's funny that I am posting one of my passover recipe hits now, when so many of you have been asking me when I am starting to post recipes for Shavuot. (For those of you who don't know, Shavuot is a Jewish holiday celebrating the Torah. And it's traditional to eat delicious dairy food...like cheesecake! I've got you covered in that area...later in the week! But today I want to share this fabulous dip recipe. I made it on Passover, when I couldn't use many spices (or even the garlic) so I roasted the jalapeno to bring out more flavor. It was an amazing hit, so I knew I would make it again to photograph and post. Well when my awesome friend BL told me she was coming as a Shabbat guest, I … [Read more...]
Quinoa and Spinach Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms
Let's talk about a pet peeve of mine. I probably mentioned this here before, but it's my blog, and I'll kvetch if I want to. Why in the world to people have this idea that healthy food and good food are mutually exclusive? Listen to me folks. Let me say it loud and clear (or type it nice and bold. Work with me here): Good food can and should taste good! I think I have proven this a bunch of times here. Take my Spicy Zucchini Sticks, for example. They are healthy, but they are also boldly flavored, insanely delicious and kinda addictive. Or what about my Healthy Breaded Cauliflower? Ok, so they have some whole wheat bread crumbs, so some of you might not find them healthy enough, but for … [Read more...]
Black Bean, Corn and Mango Quinoa Salad
Have you ever known that you had to do something, but you kept putting it off because you assumed it would be unpleasant? Then you finally bite the bullet and the task you were dreading turns out to be no big deal at all, or even, at best, a positive experience? For example, last week at work, a purchase order landed on my desk. I was super busy at the time. I glanced at it briefly and recognized it as coming from a rather problematic account of mine. I decided to get other stuff done meanwhile, and deal with the problem order when I had a few minutes. It sat on my desk over the weekend, and finally I got to it. I completed the order and sent a confirmation of it to my contact there, Ryan. … [Read more...]