I know what you've been thinking. "She keeps talking about her party, and promising to show us her pictures, but she doesn't follow through! Why, I bet she didn't even make a party! Yeah right. I flatter myself thinking anyone was desperately waiting for these pictures. And I almost didn't show them off because they are seriously awful pictures. Here's what happened. The day of the party was crazy rushed, and I didn't have a second to take a picture until the guests were already starting to arrive. My mother was completely mortified because I made her stand guard and make sure nobody took anything while I finished putting on my makeup and getting my camera ready. So as you can imagine, I … [Read more...]
Hamantashen Shaped Beef Wontons
I know this blog has been non-stop purim treats recently. And I know that Purim is this week and most of you already have your Purim planned out, if not done. And I know that there should be some kind of witty introduction written here. Some kind of story, or a clever joke. Or maybe something to get everyone into the Purim spirit. But I must admit, I am exhausted. Too exhausted to write. Because every time I try to think of something to write by way of introduction to this post, I think about the crazy day I had at work today. I think about the million emails I didn't answer (or so it feels. In reality it was probably more like 50) and the 29 orders I haven't finished. (Not that I counted or … [Read more...]