Let's talk about a pet peeve of mine. I probably mentioned this here before, but it's my blog, and I'll kvetch if I want to. Why in the world to people have this idea that healthy food and good food are mutually exclusive? Listen to me folks. Let me say it loud and clear (or type it nice and bold. Work with me here): Good food can and should taste good! I think I have proven this a bunch of times here. Take my Spicy Zucchini Sticks, for example. They are healthy, but they are also boldly flavored, insanely delicious and kinda addictive. Or what about my Healthy Breaded Cauliflower? Ok, so they have some whole wheat bread crumbs, so some of you might not find them healthy enough, but for … [Read more...]
Asian Chicken Salad with Peanut Vinaigrette
So who's planning to start the year with some healthy eating? You too? Well I guess we're all in the same boat here. Good news, I've got the most delicious salad I've ever made to share with you today. Y'know how some people say that diet food doesn't taste good? Well. That isn't true. And I'm going to prove it to you as soon as you taste this salad. Let's first step back so I can tell you what it's like to live in my head. It was about 2 in the morning and I was finally drifting off to sleep. Sadly for me, this is the time of day when I often have my best ideas. (Does this happen to anyone else?!) So there I am in bed, and I have this super cool idea. What would happen, I wonder, if I … [Read more...]
Healthy Oatmeal Pumpkin Pancakes
***Before we start – have you signed up for my email newsletters? You’ll get new recipes, cooking tips, menu suggestions, kitchen deals – and more! Click here to signup.*** Firstly, thank you all for your lovely and supportive comments on my last post! My power is back on and I'm back in the kitchen and appreciating and loving every single minute of it. Now let's talk about elections. I'm totally not political. I found this on Pinterest and it completely describes my feelings about today: So. I didn't vote, but I did make pancakes. Not just any pancakes, but healthy pancakes. With pumpkin and all kinds of awesome spices and things. Oh and there's oatmeal in them, so they have … [Read more...]
Carrot Ginger Salad Dressing
Here's something you should know about me. I don't really like carrots. Not raw ones anyway. Here's something else I should tell you. I despise ginger. Especially fresh ginger. One more thing. I love carrot-ginger dressing. Seriously love it. Always have. I first tasted this dressing, like many people did, at a local Japanese restaurant. I'm pretty sure the house salad came with the entree. Oddly enough, I remember nothing about the meal but the "free" salad. Maybe that's because my mother is an amazing cook, and has an even better palate. She has this magical way of tasting something at a restaurant, closing her eyes and tasting all of the components, then going home and recreating it. … [Read more...]
Pomegranate and Apple Salad with Pomegranate Vinaigrette
Giveaway Closed! A couple of weeks ago my friend Leah was super nice and stopped by my office with a salad she had picked up for me at a nearby restaurant . (Friends bring you ice cream. Real friends bring you salad. Everyone knows that.) The restaurant had called it a tropical salad. It has lettuce, apple and mango, and a delicious dressing. I immediately began thinking of how I would recreate it. Then the folks over at Pom Wonderful were kind enough to send me a couple of bottles of pomegranate juice, and I immediately knew I would be making the pomegranate version of this salad. Seriously, the pomegranate juice is kinda like magic when making a salad … [Read more...]
Herb Marinated Grilled Chicken
In my head, there's a whole post written up about how this may not be a very fancy or creative recipe, but I wanted to share it anyway, because this is my absolute favorite, go-to recipe for grilled chicken. But I am still recovering somewhat from this nasty combination of a cold, cough, strep and a sinus infection, so the whole complicated post isn't going to be written. (You might have also noticed that I didn't post a Photography Friday post, for similar reasons.) Instead, I am going to say very simply that this recipe is delicious. It's super easy to make. It's totally versatile. I cut this chicken up into little cubes and make a salad, or make a sandwich with the chicken and some creamy … [Read more...]
Savory Sauteed Sweet-Peas
I first made this dish about a year ago. I know that, because it was right around the start of this blog. It was supposed to make it onto the blog, but somehow that didn't happen. I even photographed it. It's a shame that I deleted those pictures, because it would be fun to show you how my photography has changed over the years. Anyway, let's talk peas. Whenever I see that cliqued up picture of a dinner plate with the heap of super boring peas on the side, I get kind of sad. Peas have such a negative, or at very least boring reputation. But they don't have to be either of those! I've come up with a number of fun ways to cook peas, but this one is by far my favorite. It's super easy to whip … [Read more...]
Mini Quinoa Pizzas
You know what the problem is with typing up blog posts when you are rushed and tired? You forget some totally important things. For example, I was exhausted when I finished up my review of Herbivoracious. So exhausted, in fact, that I forgot to post the whole big teaser I had planned. What I meant to write was that you should note the recipe closely because I have another awesome recipe coming up that is based on that one. Here's how it happened. Those savory quinoa cakes were delicious right out of the frying pan, but once they were cool they needed a little something. I dipped them in some tomato sauce, then the flash of brilliance struck. Pizza. On my quinoa cakes. You might think … [Read more...]
Quinoa Cakes and a review of Herbivoracious
When I was given the opportunity to review Herbivoracious, by Michael Natkin, I knew it would be perfect for the nine days. Remember how I said I can't eat meat all week? Well what better time to review a vegetarian cookbook? None, I say. I loved these quinoa cakes, and enjoyed this cookbook! At first glance: There is such a wide variety of recipes in here, you wouldn't imagine that this book is vegetarian. The pictures are beautiful and eye-catching, and best of all, inviting. Some features I liked: You would think that there wouldn't be a wide variety of sections in a vegetarian cookbook (no meat, poultry and fish sections) but the cookbook was very cleverly organized. Main course … [Read more...]
Black Bean, Corn and Mango Quinoa Salad
Have you ever known that you had to do something, but you kept putting it off because you assumed it would be unpleasant? Then you finally bite the bullet and the task you were dreading turns out to be no big deal at all, or even, at best, a positive experience? For example, last week at work, a purchase order landed on my desk. I was super busy at the time. I glanced at it briefly and recognized it as coming from a rather problematic account of mine. I decided to get other stuff done meanwhile, and deal with the problem order when I had a few minutes. It sat on my desk over the weekend, and finally I got to it. I completed the order and sent a confirmation of it to my contact there, Ryan. … [Read more...]
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